You realize you have reached your limit and you need something to change for you, your child or a family member. Wellbeing is honestly the last thing you may be thinking of as you are struggling to get through the day. Therapy is a remarkable tool to get on the path to wellbeing.


Harborside Wellbeing is a private mental health practice run by Beatrice Tauber Prior, Psy.D. a Clinical Psychologist with 25+ years in the field. Dr. Prior provides therapy to children, teens and adults. She is known for her work with those impacted by trauma, abuse, grief, anxiety and depression.


Dr. Prior offers therapy at the offices of Harborside Wellbeing or by telehealth. Dr. Prior is committed to assisting in meeting the mental health needs of the community. She offers seminars via webinar format and free resources via video conferences and radio chats. 


Dr. Prior’s professional guidance is frequently cited in magazines, newspapers and on-line blogs.  Her expert advice has been cited in Saturday Evening Post, Woman's Day magazine, Healthline, Women's Health, Reader's Digest, Mens Health, Shape magazine, Theeverymom.com, Charlotte Observer, Alzheimers.net, and many other well-known publications. After years of working with families impacted by progressive illness (i.e. Parkinson’s disease, MS, Huntington’s disease, and the various forms of dementia) she wrote Grandma and Me: A Kid's Guide for Alzheimer's & Dementia (the first in a series of children’s books) that provides the tools to help children and all family members cope and find ways to maintain positive connections with those impacted by illness.


Dr. Prior knows your time is limited and the search for a health professional can be overwhelming and stressful. She offers a free 15-minute phone consultation to give you the chance to ask questions and help you make up your mind about therapy, a clinical assessment and next steps.  Contact Dr. Prior by going to the contact page or call us at 704.940.1822 and leave a phone number and best time to reach you.



Thriving in 2025


Place limits on the amount and type of news coverage you consume. Information about the world events is needed, however, overconsumption can be harmful. Researchers warn us that scrolling on social media increases cortisol (our stress hormone), and as our internet and social media use increases, so can feelings of loneliness, depression and anxiety. Choose one or two reputable sites to view each day for updated information. Do not spend time scrolling and over consuming.


Begin your day with a task you enjoy. Start the day with a cup of coffee or a hot shower. Do not start your day by looking at your phone for the latest alerts, updates, texts, etc.


Make sure each day includes hydration, time moving in nature, and healthy nutrition. Now may be the best time to incorporate the healthy habits that you have wanted to begin. Many have decided to continue working from home and do not have a commute to an office. That time you would have spent in the car can now be spent on time at the gym or going for a walk in the neighborhood during lunch.


Take control of your mind. Most of us are experiencing thoughts that are anxious. Concern is helpful because it mobilizes us to act in a way to keep ourselves and others safe (i.e. continued practice of washing hands, staying home when sick). However, anxious thoughts that are left unchecked will race ahead, consume our waking and sleeping moments, and can send anyone into a tailspin. Look at the thoughts that are sending you into a tailspin. Maybe you have the thought, "This will be awful, and I won’t be able to handle it."  This is what psychologists call catastrophic thinking. Going down this rabbit hole will derail you from managing your reality. Catch the thought when it first occurs and challenge it. Just because you think it does not make it so. A more realistic thought may be "This is awful, but I have experienced awful before, and I have survived it and handled it."


Connect with others. Physical distance has protected us from infecting each other, but the social isolation has led to a second pandemic of loneliness, depression, and despair. Loving connection releases a cascade of healing and protective neurotransmitters in the brain. Whether you are home with family or alone, look for ways to connect to others each day. If possible, disconnect from technology and connect in real time. For instance, as the weather begins to warm, choose to go for a walk with a friend, rather than trading texts with them. 


You are not alone. Pick up the phone and call a friend. Skype with a grandparent. Reach out to Harborside Wellbeing for a telehealth session. Do not struggle alone.


Remember this is one season in your life.  Hopefully the holidays are a happy, fun filled time for you and your family. The reality is that the holidays tend to be a mixed bag for most of us. For some they can be stressful. For others, they are an unhappy time. If it is a difficult time because of a history of trauma or loss, this holiday season can be a time to triumph over tragedy.  There are things out of our control, but you can control how you respond and think about this season. Choose to not only survive this season, but look for ways to thrive. 

Please pass on this information but no information may be copied or reproduced with out reference to its author, Dr. Beatrice Tauber Prior, Clinical Psychologist. Copyright 2021.

What We Do:


  • Individual, family, and couples therapy.

Telepsychology Services

  • Therapy offered via telehealth.

Psychological Evaluations

  • Developmental evaluations
  • Early Entry to Kindergarten testing


  • Please see the Trainings page for seminars offered.

Community Outreach

  • FREE events are offered through on-line and radio connection!
  • Harborside Wellbeing is pleased to be a drop off site for TOYS for TOTS  each holiday season. Please see the Free events page for more information.


Dr. Prior's Advice in Helpful Articles 

6 Things to Help You Get Out of Bed in the Morning
6 Things to Help You Get Out of Bed in the Morning
How to Navigate Virtual Bullying According to the Experts
How to Navigate Virtual Bullying According to the Experts
15 Health Habits that Actually Optimize Your Immunity
15 Health Habits that Actually Optimize Your Immunity
Staying Connected To Our Kids
Staying Connected To Our Kids

Our Commitment

To provide access to quality mental and behavioral health promotion, screening, prevention, early intervention, and treatment services for newborns to end of life. Clients of all religions, socioeconomic, cultural backgrounds are welcome.

Our Philosophy

Life is short.  Even if you live until age 103, life is still short.  If you are not living as your best self, life is too short to not change things. Harborside Wellbeing is here to help you make the changes you need to live your best life.